SSC CGL 2014 Revised Exam Date

SSC CGL 2014 Revised Exam Date

SSC CGL 2014 written exam has been changed at a time. Previously, SSC CGL 2014 was scheduled to be held on 27th April and 4th May 2014. But now SSC changed the examination date and brought the examination date to 19th October and 26th October 2014. Since SSC has not decided to change tentative dates for CGL 2014 Tier II examination, only SSC CGL Tier 1 exam date will be revised. All those candidates who are going to appear in SSC CGL 2014 exam can check revised exam date below.
According to the SSC NWR Dy. Regional Director Mr. S.K. Ranjan, “CGLE 14 shall be postponed and new dates is yet to announced”.
  • SSC CGL Tier I Written Examination: 27-04-2014 & 04-05-2014 (19-10-2014 & 26-10-2014)
  • SSC CGL Tier II Written Examination: N/A
